Florida Scrub-Jay

The Florida Scrub Jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens) is the only bird species endemic to Florida (it does not exist anywhere else). A close relative to the common blue-jay, the charismatic Florida Scrub-Jay is primarily found in xeric (dry, sandy) scrub habitats (shrubby, fire-dependent ecosystems). Throughout the last century of development throughout Florida, fire suppression and habitat loss have negatively impacted their populations, resulting in this species’ designation as Federally Threatened.


If a property falls within a designated scrub jay consultation area and onsite habitat includes scrub vegetation, a five-day survey by a private consultant is required to prove the birds are absent. PBDC offers assistance in identifying scrub habitats and conducting the necessary surveys. The Florida Scrub-Jay survey season is March 1st – October 31st. If scrub jays are found on the property, US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) consultation may deem the scrub jays and associated habitat must be protected and avoided. In other scenarios, the FWS may allow development to proceed, provided that mitigation credits are purchased from a scrub jay conservation bank beforehand.