Ecological Services
- Wetland Delineation :
- Federal Wetlands Determination according to the 1987 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands
Delineation, including the application of SWANCC and Rapanos - State of Florida Formal Wetlands Determination (62-340 F.A.C)
- NRCS Wetland Delineation
- Uniform Mitigation Assessment Method (UMAM)
- Wetland Rapid Assessment Procedure (WRAP)
- Wetland Assessment Procedure (WAP)
- Benthic and SAV Mapping and Monitoring
- Listed Species (Plant & Wildlife) Surveys, Monitoring, and Permitting :
- Gopher Tortoise, Bald Eagle, Crested Caracara, Southeastern American Kestrel, Florida Scrub-Jay, Florida Burrowing Owl, Sandhill Crane, Snail Kite, Florida Grasshopper Sparrow, Wood
Stork, Osprey, Florida Sand Skink, Blue-Tailed Skink, Eastern Indigo Snake, Florida Bonneted Bat, etc.
- Vegetation Monitoring
- Wetland Mitigation Permitting, Planning, and Monitoring
- Living Shorelines
- Land and Natural Resource Management
- Environmental Permitting
- Environmental Compliance Audits
- Sediment and Erosion Control Planning, Compliance, and Monitoring, including Stormwater Pollution Prevention Planning (SWPPP) and Monitoring
- Tree Surveys
- Environmental Emergency Response
- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Incident Command System (ICS)
- National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Shoreline Cleanup Assessment Technique (SCAT)
- Short-Term Cleanup, Planning, Monitoring, Sampling, Reporting, and Supervision of Hazardous Waste, Petroleum, Hydraulic Fluids, etc.