
The Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) is a fish-eating bird of prey commonly found in Florida, particularly near large bodies of water. Their nesting and foraging/hunting habitats of preference are nearly identical to that of the Bald Eagle. While the Osprey is not currently listed as a threatened species, it is still protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act as well as outlined in Florida State Rule 68A-4.001, F.A.C.

If development is planned near known Osprey habitats, a survey may be required to determine the presence of active nests. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission typically recommends conducting Osprey surveys between February 15th and May 31st, the core of their nesting season. If nests are found, construction activities may be restricted within a certain distance to prevent disturbance to the birds and their offspring, until the offspring have fledged or the nest is deemed inactive.